Lucid Walk with Marc Rees (Lucid Theatre)
Location: Laugharne, Village.
Tin Sheds, People, Dylan Thomas, Boat House, Bara Brith, Rain

Walker: Ffion Haf
Devisor: Marc Rees
Company Director: Simon Harris

‘What day is it today?’ asked Marc Rees on the 8th November as we were looking at Dylan Thomas’s grave that noted ‘Died 9th November 1953’. What a coincidence that would have been! As we walked around Laugharne, searching for creative inspiration it was interesting to see how an interdisciplinary artist like Marc Rees creates and develops his creative practice.

Jon Tregenna and Marc Rees were in the middle of creating Raw Material with National Theatre Wales and I was invited to explore with Marc what gave this location its identity? Immersing ourselves in the village’s day to day life, getting to know the area’s characters is an important creative element for Marc as well as studying the landscapes natural rhythms and historical context. Walking around Dylan Thomas’s home of writing allowed time to stand still and the imagination to play. From peeping our heads into the writing shed and onwards to a nice warm ‘Cawl’ at the Boat House, the endless artistic possibilities Marc brought to the village was enriching. I realised that being surrounded by people and allowing coincidences to happen, is just as part of the creative process as forming ideas and developing concrete work.

Arts Council Wales 2013

Director Ffion Haf Jones talks about her walk with Marc Rees